Ögussa GmbH. is a limited company and a member of the Belgian Umicore group. We are specialized in the processing of precious metals alloys and the manufacture of products in platinum or gold alloys. Ögussa combines the production and the reprocessing of used precious metals on one site in Vienna, Austria. The company therefore covers the full precious metals cycle: the metals recovered after refining are administrated on an personalized weight account with total transparency and traceability. The guarantee of Ögussa as a manufacturer lies in the quality assurance of its products and expert monitoring. We have industrial operations on all continents specially in Belgium (Olen and Hoboken). A customer support liaises closely with clients to ensure precise definitions of needs. Our compact structure and specialized, flexible production facilities allow us to respond quickly and accurately to standard or special requirements within the best possible time frame. With our Pick UP service, used metals can be collected on site and transferred quickly under all-risk insurance cover to the refining center in Austria. We manufacture all standard products for laboratories such as crucible, dishes or casting dishes for carbonization or alkaline fusion (all machines such Eagon2, Katanax, Phoenix, XrFuse, Vitriox, Theox Advanced etc.). Rounding off our production range are micro-crucibles for TGA, DTA and DSC, precise semi-finished products (fine wires, strips, tubes etc.) and special products and alloys (FKS Rigilit PtAu 5 for a triple mechanical performance and life time of the products).