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Kreglinger Europe nv


Grote Markt 7
BE 2000 Antwerpen Open location



Korte beschrijving:

Maximizing product safety and quality by using molecular biology and informatic tools Kreglinger is a specialized European distributor of specialty ingredients. These ingredients are used in various sectors ranging from the cosmetic and pharmaceutical, to food , agriculture and technical industries. Since 2022, Kreglinger has started a partnership with Taag Genetics. TAAG Genetics is an international biotechnology firm (founded in 2001) dedicated to solving its clients’ complex quality testing challenges through simple, reliable, and innovative multiplex molecular diagnostic kits supported by a robust AI software. TAAG Genetics kits and comprehensive laboratory services take microorganism detection, identification and tracing to the next level. The flagship product, the TAAG F41 VIP kit, is a multiplex real time qPCR that saves clients time, space, and costs by simultaneously detecting and identifying the four most dangerous pathogens in the food production industry: Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, S. aureus, and E. coli. TAAG Genetics’ spoilage PCR kits, coupled with AI software, rapidly detect, and identify over 50 spoilage-causing bacteria in less than 28 hours and over 50 spoilage-causing yeasts and molds in less than 52 hours. Our rapid method offers considerable time and cost savings compared to the ISO reference methods. The user manual included in each kit is easy to follow while the instrument software only requires a few simple steps to operate.


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