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Shimadzu Benelux, Belgian Branch


Neerhoflaan 2
BE 1780 Wemmel Open location



Korte beschrijving:

Shimadzu provides a broad range of analytical instruments indispensable for research, development, and quality control in a variety of market segments such as Food, Beverages and Agriculture; Pharmaceutical; Clinical; Environmental; Chemical, Petrochemical, Biofuel and Energy, Plastics and Rubber. Our high-level, sophisticated product range includes Gas Chromatography (GC), Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS), Liquid Chromatography (LC, HPLC, UHPLC), Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LCMS), Ultra-fast Mass Spectrometry (UFMS), Spectroscopy, UV-Vis-NIR, FTIR, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES), elemental and surface analysis systems, Particle Size, Life Science Lab Instruments, Total Organic Carbon Analysis (Sum Parameters), Material Testing and Measuring Technology. Our offer is rounded by Columns and Consumables, Analytical Standards, Diagnostic reagent kits and Data Management and Software systems.


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