Prepared for PFAS-Testing - Ascentis® Express PFAS HPLC Columns

Fast and High-Resolution LC-MS Separation with Ascentis® Express PFAS HPLC Columns

The new Ascentis® Express PFAS HPLC column, with its Fused-Core® technology and a particle
size of 2.7 μm, delivers fast and high-resolution separations with excellent selectivity, peak
shape, and necessary retention to perform in EPA methods 537.1, 533 and 8327. 

Key benefits of Ascentis® Express PFAS columns include:

  • 2.7 μm Fused-Core® particle for reliable and high-efficiency separations and lower column backpressure compared to sub-2 μm particles 
  • Excellent suitability for MS detection
  • Application-related Lot analysis and single-column performance testing
  • Pressure limit: 600 bar